Augusta Music Teachers Association

The AMTA’s purpose is to promote fellowship and unity among the members of the profession and those engaged in furthering and fostering the musical growth of our city; to advance the general musical culture by supporting concerts, civic or private musical undertaking whenever possible; and at all times to cooperate and keep in touch with the affilate organizations GMTA & MTNA.


At the state and national levels, membership offers conferences and workshops with expert clinicians; professional support; legal consultation; insurance programs; student incentive programs; a monthly professional print journal; a quarterly ejournal; and much more.

Our Work

AMTA offers workshops and master classes designed to advance teaching; performance opportunities for students (from community outreach recitals to competitive and non-competitive evaluations); and a steady support system from fellow teachers who share common goals and interests.


Get in Touch

We hope that you will consider joining us!  We even have programs designed to promote the interests and goals of non-member music teachers in our area.  For more information, please contact Temeka Davis.

AMTA Workshops, Recitals, & Events (Photo Gallery)